Sunday, April 25, 2010

35 weeks....

At 35 weeks, the baby is weighing in a 5 1/2 pounds! Funny how clothes that were big on me before preggo time are now too small (hence the shirt...looks like I would fit right in at Walmart...with the "gut" hanging out haha!) Feeling pretty is not as it used to be though I love every minute of feeling the baby kicking, punching, kneeing and elbowing me. Can't believe that in only 5 weeks (or more, or less....but hopefully sooner than later) we will meet this baby.
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Friday, April 9, 2010

esteban gets a tattoo

So while playing truth or dare at the cabin with the ladies, Laurie thought it would be hilarious to dare me to do "the worm". (Those of you who don't know what this is, it is an 80s dance move where you inch across the dance floor on your belly). This is actually something I'm pretty good at, though not willing to attempt at this time. Anyway, we opted to tattoo a worm on my belly instead.
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Erik's baby skills

Thought I would post some pics of Erik and our friends' 5 week old baby Ginger. He hung out with her all last weekend. Apparently he did pretty good, according to Ginger's pa. The guys stuck it out with the baby while the girls had a great time at the cabin. I think he missed her, because he called to see how she was doing on Monday morning as I was leaving for work!
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32 weeks

Not only does Erik enjoy talking to the baby, but so does Floyd. He wants to make sure that the baby knows who our first baby is. That is, if the baby understands Floyd's language. Either way, the baby should be pretty comfortable with Floyd's "woo-woo's".
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Monday, April 5, 2010

Case of the Mondays


Don't remember when this pic was taken, I just keep getting more requests for preggo pics so here you go!
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