Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hiking on a beautiful morning

More hiking

The first weekend in's a beautiful one!

 Grace and Daddy getting ready to leave for a special date :-)

Here is a photo shoot of Ava. I went kind of crazy adding so many photos..
I can't help it, this face is sooo sweet!

 Texting and swinging?!

 We went for a hike this morning. It was a beautiful morning. 
Ava no longer wants to ride in the stroller or carrier. "I do it!"
And we have to say...she is a pretty good little hiker. 

 Here is Grace teaching me about sap.

 Here are the girls going "off trail". 
Ava wanted to go wherever her big sister went. 

 Does this kid need a hair cut?!

 A flower (dandelion) patch!!!

My attempt at a selfie