Monday, September 20, 2010

Grace is 4 months old!

Grace turned 4 months old this past Saturday. With this new age, she can now roll from her tummy to her back (which really surprises her); drool quite a bit (which elicits the tongue sticking out to one side which can be seen below); and giggle (she let out some real giggles 3 times today). We are just in awe of this sweet baby...she is my new "precious baby". (For those of you who don't know about my favorite child hood toy, it is a little baby doll I named 'precious baby' which went with me EVERYWHERE and is still around today).

Grace and her family...the Askews

Just waking up...

Having fun on the porch with Poppy

Listening to Poppy play some tunes

Working on walking already...

Playing the keyboard!!

Grace and her family...the Schweitzers

Hanging out with Aunt Lauren/Lala...tired from a long day of traveling from Montana

Then Uncle Nick gets home and she is rested and ready to party

Gigi and Pop-pop...and cousin Henry

Enjoying the sunset on the bay with Pop-pop

A windy day at the beach with Gigi

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hanging out with Jacki and Erik

Grace is having a good time meeting everyone in Pennsylvania. She is doing a lot of talking as you can see here. Fortunately, all this exitement had made for great nights of sleep. Last night she slept for 6 straight hours!

Monday, September 6, 2010

More pics from the beach

The babes!

A beach family photo

Grace's first time in a swimming pool. She loved it...

Grace and her cousins. She will miss them!