Monday, April 30, 2012

Finding easter eggs on the beach!

Here's another one from the archives of our trip to Tampa. This is Grace's first experience of not only easter egg hunting, but eating JELLY BEANS!!! She asked for them everyday for at least a week after we got back. It was funny to watch the difference between the way Henry ate his Jelly Beans (4 at a time) compared to the way Grace ate hers (licking one for 20 minutes). I actually thought that I could get away with keeping her entertained this way on the plane, but by then she ate them much faster.

Grace at petting zoo in Tampa

So I have lots of videos from our trip to Florida, and it's time I get some of these uploaded! This is just a quick one of Grace's reaction at the petting zoo. Funny, at first she was not sure what to think....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Grace on slide

The quality of this video isn't great...taken with my camera instead of the flip video. Anyway, glad I was able to capture this moment on video. Luckily she wasn't too phased, as she got right back up and on the slide again!