Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 2

The second day of Grace's life has been filled with cute little outfits, several hat changes, lots of eating, even more pooping (she had 5 BM's today, definitely taking after her father), reading books, and several hours of new parents just staring at this precious little person.

More pics are sure to follow tomorrow.

Sara is doing well, although really sore and swollen. She has made it vertical several times today and all in all moved about 40 feet. Hopefully she will be feeling good enough to change a diaper or two tomorrow, if not I'm pretty much a pro already.


  1. Congratulations you too..She is so beautiful !!! How amazing it must feel. Can't wait to meet her some day.

  2. that book is awesome. solid choice!

    pretty much everyone worth a damn on J street knows about lil' gracie. i can firmly say that she's well loved on an international level.
