Friday, May 28, 2010

grace is 1 week old!

Grace is now one week old and doing great. She went to see the doc this week, and now weighs in at 5 lbs 6 oz! She is going to fit into all of her cute new clothes in no time! I'm recovering well with a lot of help from my Mom (now also called Mommom). She is trying hard to keep me confined to the couch, which is very hard. But the sooner I get better, the sooner I will be able to take Grace outside for walks. Speaking of walks...Floyd is doing pretty good adjusting to the new baby. He is needing a bit more attention than normal, especially to eat and drink. (He seems to be forgetting about these important functions lately). I think he is doing it just to get our attention....we all now how smart he really is. :-)
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  1. promise me you won't still make that kid hold signs when she's 9 years old.
