Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Well this year will probably be the least exiting for Grace in all of her Halloween experiences. (It is more fun for us to dress her up in this ridiculous polyester ladybug outfit...although she was already experiencing the body heat from the non-breathable material and will continue to for years to come.)
All I know is that when thinking back on my childhood Halloween experiences....
My brother and I would rush home with a sack full of candy we would then dump out onto the floor of the living room. We would categorize each type of candy and count the numbers...
We would then play "sell". (Which really was "trade"). We would trade candy that we respectively disliked. Keep in mind that we would NEVER lose count of the numbers.
HOWEVER...the following week our numbers would slowly go down...wait! Faster than we were aware of....why??? DAD was sneaking the candy into his lunch sack!!!! Oh how the tables have turned...and I'm SOOO looking forward it!!! I LOVE CANDY!!
Sara (Mama)


  1. My brother and I used to do the exact same thing after we got home from trick or treating. Those are some good Halloween memories. :) Hope this one was great for you all!

  2. We had "dad tax". Total b.s. until today.
    I sent all of Jr.'s Halloween candy to work with Ed because he woke up at 6:30 am screaming "I want candy from my pumpquin!!!!!" 100% dad tax.
